duro-, dur-, dura-
(Latin: hard [as wood], lasting; thick, tough)
indurated (adjective), more indurated, most indurated
1. Characterizing something as being callous, cold-blooded or remorseless: Some television programs have a character who is presented as an indurated person who is emotionally hardened and shameless as he or she is committing criminal acts.
2. Descriptive of an object as solid or physically toughened: When a person has trained at a fitness studio for a long time and his or her muscles have become very firm, but not as hard as a rock or bone, they can be regarded as being indurated.
2. Descriptive of an object as solid or physically toughened: When a person has trained at a fitness studio for a long time and his or her muscles have become very firm, but not as hard as a rock or bone, they can be regarded as being indurated.
A process of making something firm or of becoming solid or like stone: There are different types of induration in the field of medicine; such as, multiple sclerosis, a process in which a soft organ or soft tissue in one's body becomes hard; or arteriolosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries.
indurative (adjective), more indurative, most indurative
Relating to something which has become hardened: Indurative connective tissue can occur as a result of an inflammation which shows symptoms of thickening, if it is not treated properly.
Stubbornness and not doing something the way another person wants it to be done: Trisha's obduracy about being home by a specific time after the dance angered her parents.
obdurary (adjective), more obdurary, most obdurary
Unyielding and resistant to persuasion: Karin was convinced that her obdurary persistence in completing her objectives would have better results than if she gave in to those who tried to persuade her to spend her time and efforts in other projects.
obdurate (AHB doo rit) (adjective), more obdurate, most obdurate
1. Stubborn or unyielding; obstinate: Caroline responded with an obdurate refusal to arrive for work on Thanksgiving Day when her supervisor told her to show up.
3. Etymology: from Latin ob-, "against" + durus, "hard", therefore "hardened against".
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Trina's obdurate little girl refused to eat her vegetables at dinner.
2. Hardened in feelings or heart; not repentant: Bob's cousin was an obdurate criminal who refused to change his ways.3. Etymology: from Latin ob-, "against" + durus, "hard", therefore "hardened against".
The Latin durus, "hard", has also given English such words as "durable" and "duration" (the period of time during which anything is hard enough to last), and "duress" (hard treatment, or coercion, which forces a person to do something even when he or she doesn't want to do it).

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obdurately (adverb), more obdurately, most obdurately
In a stubbornly or inflexibly manner: Chris was known to be obdurately dedicated to his project and resisted anything that distracted him from his objectives.
A condition of being stubborn, intractable, or defiant: Tom's little boy was just three years old when his obdurations or temper tantrums caused his parents a lot of headaches, but they still tried to be patient while dealing with him.
A hard palate: The palatum durum is located in the roof of the mouth, is quite bony, and it is behind the upper front teeth.
The damage to blood veins between the dura mater and the arachnoid; spider-like or web-like fibers of tissues of the membranes: The subdural hematoma is often caused by blunt traumas; such as, from blows to the head by boxers or in elderly patients who fall out of bed and hit their heads against something hard.
The narrow space between the outermost, toughest, and most fibrous membranes or those consisting of entangled soft fibers or hairs that have a cobwebby appearance: In both the skull and the vertebral column, the subdural spaces are located between the dura mater and the arachnoid membranes.
unendurable (adjective), more unendurable, most unendurable
Relating to the inability to accept something unpleasant or undesirable: Many people considered the negative statements by the politician to be unendurable attacks about his opponent and so they booed the speaker or walked away from where he was presenting his vociferous and loud remarks.
Oscar's parents went through unendurable agony when they heard that their son had died in a car crash during the night.
unendurably (adverb), more unendurably, most unendurably
Pertaining to how something proceeds in an unpleasant or an intolerable way: Mrs. Jackson couldn’t put up with the unendurably obnoxious behavior of the student any longer and so she sent him to the principal’s office!